由紀越光大米通過(guò)權威機構富硒認證 Certified by Authentification Organization
由紀生物自有水稻種植基地數百畝,丹東東港與日本越光水稻種植區處于同一緯度,氣侯相似,公司旗下的YUKI農場(chǎng),引進(jìn)具有 “世界米王”之稱(chēng)的越光大米 品種,采用有機種植方式,種植過(guò)程中利用有機肥及復合益生菌做為促生長(cháng)基肥,全程不添加任何農藥、化肥,保證了該米顆粒均勻、飽滿(mǎn)、膠質(zhì)濃厚、色澤 晶瑩透亮。食用前,未曾近品已聞其香,食用時(shí)口感筋道,回味悠長(cháng),無(wú)需配菜,也能品出米飯的香甜。
由紀“越光”米富含硒、蛋白質(zhì)、礦物質(zhì)、維生素等,營(yíng)養極為豐富,具有開(kāi)脾健胃的功效。其中硒含量遠高于同類(lèi)產(chǎn)品,并通過(guò)國家權威機構的富硒認證高品質(zhì)越光米以其獨有的口感贏(yíng)得客戶(hù)的認可和喜愛(ài),上市以來(lái),反響特別好,企業(yè)將不斷擴大種植規模 ,為人們提供更多優(yōu)質(zhì)綠色食品。
YUKI owns hundreds of acres of rice cultivation base whose latitude level is the same with Japanese planting farm, and whose climate is similar with Japanese planting farm. It uses organic planting method- using organic fertilizer integrated with compound probiotics as growing basic fertilizer. During the whole plantation, it is without any pesticides and chemical fertilizer, which guarantees rice particle's uniformity, fullness, thick gelatinous and crystal transparent color, fragrantic smell and lasting aftertaste.
Yuki’s Yue Guang rice (コシヒカリ), one of Japonica rice species, originated from Japan. Yue Guang rice has the characteristics of strong viscosity, good taste and flavor, and is often exported overseas as high-grade food rice. Due to its excellent quality, Yue Guang rice (コシヒカリ) has been served by many restaurants as highlight for customers.
Yue gang rice is rich in selenium, protein, minerals, vitamins and etc, speciallywith appetizer spleen function. Its selenium content is much higher than similar products, and achieves national authority of SE-rich certification. Since promotion into market, it gets popular reputation. Yuki company will continue to provide people with more high-quality “green” food.